
Serie Segmenti Pistone per PERKINS 1004-4T, 1006-6T - Phaser 110T, 120Ti, 160Ti, 180Ti

25,92 €
Solo 92 rimasto/i

Piston Ring Set for PERKINS 1004-4T, 1006-6T - Phaser 110T, 120Ti, 160Ti, 180Ti and related spare parts.

This listing is about a BRAND NEW Piston Ring Set for 1 Cylinder in its original package for the following PERKINS models Phaser 110T, 120Ti, 160Ti, 180Ti equipped with the below engines:

Diesel MotorCyl.ccm
1004 - 4T/TW
1006 - 6T/TW66000

Cyl. Dia.Groove

⌀ 100 mm
( 3.937" )
3.0 mm
2.5 mmPackage
4.0 mm1 Cyl.

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